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Курсовая работа: Difficulties in Translation of Publicistic Headlines and their Pragmatic Aspect
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Курсовая работа: Difficulties in Translation of Publicistic Headlines and their Pragmatic Aspect

Pakistani soldiers storm mosque (солдаты Пакистана взяли штурмом мечеть);

Strong earthquake strikes Mexico - Strong earthquake has struck Mexico (сильное землетрясение обрушилось на Мексику);

NASA robot to dig on Mars ( робот НАСА будет раскапывать почву Марса);

Actress Collette expecting child – Actress Collette is expecting child (актриса Колетт ждет ребенка) [5]

3) the translation must retain the same communicative function as the source text. The description and enumeration of speech functions can be found in the work by R. Jakobson, who pointed out the following:

·  informative function, i.e. conveying information: Лавры моего конкурента не дают мне спать. – I am green with envy because of the success of my competitor.

·  emotive function, i.e. expressing the speaker’s emotions: На кой леший мне такой друг? – What on earth do I need such a friend for?

·  poetic function, i.e. aesthetic impact:

Tiger, Tiger, burning bright,

In the forests of the night;

What immortal hand or eye,

Could frame thy fearful symmetry? (W.Blake)

Тигр, Тигр, в лесу ночном

Мрачный взгляд горит огнем.

Чья бессмертная рука

Жизнь влила в твои бока? (Пер. К.Филатовой)

These sentences have only one thing in common: general intent of communication, communication aim, or function. At first glance, the source and target texts have no obvious logical connection; they usually designate different situations, have no common semes (i.e. smallest components of meaning), and have different grammar structures.


Chapter III Establishing pragmatic value of publicistic headlines and difficulties of their translation from English into Russian

3.1 Pragmatic functions of publicistic headlines

This research paper is based on studying 100 headlines, 50 of publicistic headlines analyzing in pragmatic functions and 50 headlines difficulties of their translation from English into Russian.

The selected headlines have been divided according to pragmatic functions. Here is given the analysis of Russian and English headlines on the syntactical levels.

Metaphor. transference of names based on the associated likeness between two objects, on the similarity of one feature common to two different entities, on possessing one common characteristic, on linguistic semantic nearness, on a common component in their semantic structures.



(Daily Nation, 01.02.10, p.12)

The metaphor “Cosmic Dance” implies unusual dances. The redactor compares “cosmic” and “dance”, because in “Lime club” the dances were unusual, like a cosmic movement.


(Daily Nation, 05.04.10, p.25)

Blanket of Darkness” is a genuine metaphor, quite unexpected and rather effective. “Blanket of Darkness” implies a present from volcano or volcano eruption in Iceland.


(КОММЕРСАНТЪ, 09.08.09, p.15)

The storm clouds thickened” implies tense struggle between elections. In order to demonstrate the hot atmosphere in Ukraine, the redactor uses the metaphor The storm clouds thickened


(Daily Nation, 14.01.10, p.5)

A bridge to the past” is a symbol of connection between present and the past time. The redactor uses “A bridge to the past”, to show that the old fashion from the past comes back in the present.


(Daily Nation, 08.02.10, p.43)

“A turbulent past” implies active life in the past. Leonardo de Capri tells in interview about his “turbulent” life at teenage age.

Metonymy. transference of names based on nearness, on axtralinguistic, actually existing relations between the objects, denoted by the words, on common grounds of existence in reality but different semantic. It is based on a different type of relation between the dictionary and contextual meanings, a relation based not on identification, but on some kind of association connecting the two concepts which these meanings represent.



·  (Daily Nation, 23.03.10, p.32)

“NASA Mission control” is a metonymy and it symbolizes Texas, for which the call sign is "Houston". The author implies that the spot was in Houston, largest city in the state of Texas.


“The Roman Catholic Church” is metonymy which author uses. He implies the pope and Catholic bishops, which met in Nakuru to discuss the draft constitution, among other things.


(Daily Nation, 12.03.10, p.45)

The American film and television industry” is metonymy which symbolizes a section of Los Angeles. It is Hollywood which makes a new film.


(Daily Nation, 13.03.10, p.26)

“Eight red cross staff” is eight person, who symbolizes the doctors from Switzerland. They were kidnapped in DRC. “DRC” is Democratic Republic of Congo, which is also abbreviation.

·  "The White House said: `Yes' FOCUS ON CONSTITUTION "

(Daily Nation, 13.03.10, p.9)

"The White House said" is a metonym for the president and his staff, because the White House is not part of the president or his staff but is closely associated with them.

Irony. - is a stylistic device in which the contextual evaluative meaning of a word is directly opposite to its dictionary meaning - is the contradiction between the said and implied. It must not be confused with humour.


Hard Times Café’ close down

(Daily Nation, 16.03.10, p.08)

"Hard Times Cafe" is irony and implies something bad and sad. The restaurant called "Hard Times Cafe" has closed down because of the recession productions.

3.2 Difficulties in translation of publicistic headlines

Usually headings share on three categories:

1) headlines in Present simple. They say that someone has made any action.


·  Unemployed Man Wins £ 1M - Безработный выиграл миллион фунтов.

(Daily Nation, 14.03.10, p.16)

The tendency to laconic and brevity in headlines has led to that unnecessary, insignificant words from them simply throw out. In particular, it concerns definite and indefinite articles, in headlines very seldom can to meet such words, as “a”, “an” and “the”. Also the auxiliary verbs fall out from headlines. The usual sentence is - unemployed man has won a million pounds.

·  “Forgotten Brother Appears” - Забытый брат вернулся

(Daily Nation, 14.03.10, p.19)

As the usual offer: A forgotten brother has appeared. In headline we have not the article “a” and

the auxiliary verb “has”.

·  “Violent protests in Jakarta over Islamic tomb” - Сильные протесты в Джакарте на Исламские могилы

(Daily Nation, 15.03.10, p.26)

As the usual offer: The violent has protested in Jakarta over Islamic tomb. In headline we have not the article “the” and the auxiliary verb “has”.

·  “Woman locks up utility worker over unpaid bill” - Женщина запирает сервисного рабочего по неоплаченному счету.

(Daily Nation, 15.03.10, p.31)

As the usual offer: A women has locked up the utility worker over of the unpaid bill.

·  “Villagers build on glory of school they burnt 57 years ago” - Сельские жители основываются на славе школы, которую они сожгли 57 лет назад

(Daily Nation, 14.03.10, p.33)

As the usual offer: The villagers have built on the glory of school, which they burnt 57 years ago.

·  “Revenue triples after return of displaced families” - Доход утраивается после возвращения перемещенных семей

(Daily Nation, 14.03.10, p.48)

As the usual offer: The revenue has tripled after return of the displaced families.

·  “Adebayor says bye-bye to international soccer” - Адебайор говорит пока международному футболу.

(Daily Nation, 14.03.10, p.51)

As the usual offer: Adebayor has said bye-bye to the international soccer.

·  “Champion seeks to set new record in London” - Чэмпайон стремится установить новый рекорд в Лондоне

(Daily Nation, 16.03.10, p.9)

As the usual offer: The champion has sought to set a new record in London.

·  “Amend new laws first, say elders” - Исправьте новые законы сначала, говорят старшие

(Daily Nation, 02.03.10, p.10)

As the usual offer: Amend the new laws, have said the elders.

·  “Large team of runners battle for qualification” - Большая команда бегунов борются за квалификацию

(Daily Nation, 16.03.10, p.16)

As the usual offer: Large team of the runners have battled for the qualification.

·  “Nuclear Weapons Obama presses for Iran action” - Ядерное оружие Обамы требует действия Ирана

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